Founded in 2002, Animated Lighting specializes in unique displays for commercial and residential holiday lighting, architectural lighting projects, signs and marquees, and other special events.
Through a combination of unique products, specialized lighting control technology, and a full-service project team, we are able to provide lighting effects that are synchronized to music and highly engaging to visitors in venues of virtually any size.
Fact: Lighting Attracts Business
It's entertaining but can you expect an investment in an exciting, over-the-top lighting display to pay any returns at your business? The answer is, YES, and we would like to show you how.
If you have questions about our products or how we can help you design and build the ultimate display, please contact us or learn how to partner with us.
We are eager to hear your ideas and will be happy to share some ideas and tips from our more than decade of experience in delivering world-class lighting displays.