Animated Lighting

RGB Pixel Driver/Controller

The Animated Lighting RGB Controller allows the use of certain types of RGB lighting and RGB lighting products as part of an Animated Lighting light and music show.

There are many brands and types of RGB lighting that can be found online and some can be used with Animated Lighting's RGB Pixel Driver/Controller. Please contact us at with any questions or concerns about what RGB lighting to purchase. We strongly recommend you do NOT purchase any RGB lighting products unless and until you talk with one of our Technical Support people. We can be called at 816-941-0400.

Our RGB Pixel Driver/Controller is designed to support up to Qty. 4 DMX 512 "Universes". Each Universe can use up to 512 lighting channels so our RGB Pixel Driver/Controller will support up to Qty. 2048 channels.

Multiple RGB Pixel Driver/Controllers can be in one Animated Lighting network. We have a casino sign that has been using our Pixel Driver/Controllers since 2014 and they are controlling approximately 72,000 DMX channels (24,000 RGB lights).

If you go to our JUST ADD POWER section of our website you will find many products that we make that are illuminated with RGB light strings. In addition we have had many customers that have used our RGB Orbs on bushes and trees.

RGB Controller
RGB Controller used to display RGB Orbs on a house.
RGB Controller used to display RGB Orbs on a tree.

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All rights reserved. Images and product descriptions on this site may not be used without permission.